Northern Virginia and DC

As I began pondering what the hell he was going to do with this new found hobby, I set out to make a video around the Washington Monument while it was being renovated due to the damage of the 2011 earthquake.. Friends Ed and Jarret were around so he figured what the hell, bring em out... The dark video was not as impressive as I thought it would be and the audio quality ( as well as the playing) was kinda terrible. During take two, I brought out Mark from the Mandoleers and my boss at the time Robert Laszlo to see if I couldn't get better video.

I also decided to bring Mark by the studio and try again... at this point the song had been recorded so many damn times that I didn't know what to do and the project just sat around for a few weeks while I tried to avoid thinking about.

Then a blast from the past in the form of Marcel came to town. Marcel and I used to play together in this band called TANK! back in the 90s...

Finally, I had something, but not quite enough! One last stop off at my father-in-law Barry's house and then we had gold, (or at least fool's gold.)

The most notable thing about this video other than all the awesome people is the first appearance of Robert Laszlo on the triangle!

Stan Ascher

List of places rocked